Here is the last mail exchange Wolfgang, Bo and I had:
>From Fri, 7 Aug 1998 07:04:45 (+0100)
From: Wolfgang Lug <>
To: arnis <,>
Subject: future of AmigaWorld
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 98 08:04:00
Message-ID: <19980807.7E287C8.6E8D@Lug.UUCP>
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Dear Bo, dear Ruud!
AmigaWorld 5.21 was to be released two weeks ago if I remember right but I
still haven't done it yet. I still like the program (well, it's mostly mine
:) and would like to see it continued. Writing some new lines of program code
is not so much of a problem for me, but doing all the related things like
updating the data files, changing all these doc and history files every time,
all these related works are getting on my nerves.
As I said: I would like AmigaWorld to be continued and volunteer to stay in
the AmigaWorld team as the programmer. But I really would like to see one or
both of you in charge of the whole thing. This would mean: You become the
prime (or only or however you decide) registration site, have to do all the
non-programming work, and when you think that a new program feature is needed,
then I will try to program it.
What do you think?
Best Wishes,
Wolfgang Lug //
// (
\\ // (Tel. +49-6421-63161)
>From Fri, 07 Aug 1998 17:23:43 +0200
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To: Wolfgang Lug <Lug@Stud-Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE>,,